Played 4793 times
Folow the yellow square rings, then you will get your winning! Credit to Martin Magni for the reed script. -Artast-
You are dropped onto a floor. An arrow will spin around, marking the direction of where the puck will go. Tap the screen when it points in your desired location. The puck will slide across the floor at a constant distance, so you must ensure that the puck doesn't go out of bounds. You must frequently drop down between platforms in order to reach your goal. This is done by following yellow square rings on the floor. In later levels, some of the dropdown holes are decoys, so be careful. There are obstacles and other entities present as well. Regular bushes are placed at different points, and are collidable. They take a lot of momentum out of the puck, so be careful. Later levels have wind turbines which elevate the puck. This is used to climb between different platforms, or jump from one onto the other. Background entities such as trees are also collidable, and can even be used as shortcuts.